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At AgTech OS, we are at the forefront of providing actionable intelligence for farmers by simplifying their vast amounts of data to answer complex decisions that could improve operations and productions. We are able to collect data from fertilizers, irrigation, agronomy, fuel usage, and yield per acre then compare with historical data to find faults and successes. In addition, we run comparisons on historical ERA5 weather data with NVidia tool FourCastNet to detect any meteorological anomalies that lead to losses then provide up to two weeks of highly accurate weather simulations by integrating Physics-Informed Neural Nets.

Example: Farmer Kurt has a large wheat field with a specific gene that saw too much moisture two years ago during a large rainfall close to harvest and lost 40 percent of the yield due to damage. As Kurt has been logging his data, AgTechX runs a weather simulation and detects that there will be heavy rainfall in 10 days that will last into the harvest that starts in 18 days. By having this data, Kurt will be able to harvest early before a massive loss in taken due actionable predictive intelligence.

In addition to answering important questions about the efficacy of changes in operations, our infrastructure helps lay the groundwork to successfully apply for research and development federal credits as well as carbon credits for sustainable agriculture and crops that are focused on renewable biofuels. We provide direct access to tax specialist who file these credits for you and provide audit defense, in depth project management, and peace of mind.

The AgTechX platform will be available to all producing partners as well as qualified farms that are attempting to innovate their operations. Every month we will be posting a newsletter with our partners discussing the process as we go through the pilot. Sign up below to get your updates.

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